Introduction to New Project: EntreLeadership!

Hello friends, and welcome back to my blog!

Today I will be discussing a new project that will grow both me and you on our road to growth! As you may know, I am a marketing major and one of the purposes of this blog is to satisfy one element of my Digital Marketing class. The class has been very informative and helpful in me understanding how to manage my brand digitally, and I plan to take what I have learned there to help me reach you! Hopefully, I will be able to reach more of you and grow a community of people who have a desire - whether small or big - to read, and potentially we can learn how to make tasty treats along the way!

Over the course of several weeks, I will be reading through Dave Ramsey's bestseller, EntreLeadership. My goal in reading this is to further my growth as a leader for my current leadership position at my local Chick-fil-a, as well as to prepare me for future opportunities. I want to share what I learn with you so that we can all benefit from the concepts in Ramsey's book. I have had the chance to listen to him on his EntreLeadership podcast, and the topics he has discussed can be very easily applied not only to those in the business world, but also to people in any field, whether that be a customer service worker, a mom, or a college student. I hope that as we dive into this book together, we all will be able to take something away from it. 

I will begin the book and make my first post here soon, so be sure to be on the lookout! In the meantime, my sister and I got a latte maker, and I wanted to show you my first latte (pictured above)! We got the maker brand new on Facebook Marketplace for $25, which is a really good deal as they can sell for upwards of $150 (according to my sister, the true coffee fanatic 😆)

The expresso we use is called Cafe Bustelo, and it tastes really good. It can be a little strong but you can adjust the amounts. I use 2% milk, and we also got Starbucks French Vanilla syrup to put in our lattes. So far we are both big fans and will definitely be using this a lot!

Thanks for tuning in, talk to you guys soon!


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